I.C.T. has changed the world tremendously and the law was not left behind where I.C.T was concerned. Many laws have been implemented to ensure that when using technology its safe , reliable and friendly. Many laws such as cyber law , copyright , unauthorized access , data privacy and spamming were put into place to ensure security in the mystic cal cyber world we call the internet!
How can someone be liable for copying someones work and passing it off as there own?
The word for this is plagiarism. Plagiarism is when you steal some-ones work and pass it off as your own without giving the owner credit for the work. In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward. It is most common in students, the consequence of a student committing this crime would be very serve; they would either be suspended, expelled or/and get an F or a 0. Also it will be kept on there educational record for a very long time.
How can someones privacy be protected online ?
Many people have suffered from a invasion of there privacy online as it is much easier for individuals to target people online and collect private information than it is in real life! You may assume that the same laws that protect your privacy in the physical world apply to the digital world as well. But the Internet remains largely unregulated and the policies governing it are underdeveloped. Laws concerning online privacy are still being developed. Social networks are sites that allow there users to build social relations and although are extremely popular and in most cases good and helpful they can be an easy way for somebody to invade another’s privacy and access personal details !!!Many people besides friends and acquaintances are interested in the information people post on social networks. Identity thieves, scam artists, debt collectors, stalkers, and corporations looking for a market advantage are using social networks to gather information about consumers. Companies that operate social networks are themselves collecting a variety of data about their users, both to personalize the services for the users and to sell to advertisers.
How can People use the internet to help or hinder crime around the world?
The internet can be used to organize crime. An example of this is rioting, most gangs of rioting is organized online, on social networking sites! This is a criminal offence, people can be sent to prison for this, and put on there criminal record. However internet can help people find out about other peoples crimes that have been committed, help people find out about the wars that the world is having, and help to solve injustices’ that are vastly occurring.
How Does I.C.T make it easy to copy Music/Video files?
Many people in modern day society have been fined hundreds of thousands of pounds for what is known as file sharing. This is when individuals make songs accessible to download for everybody ,free which is against the rights of the artist who owns the rights to the song and its revenue. File sharers have many arguments to justify what they do , they may say that if people download tracks then they probably wouldn’t have bought them in the first place. So according to their argument, the record companies aren’t losing any money. Obviously record companies strongly disagree with file sharers and say they are losing millions of pounds as people are not buying records as they used to. They say this has led to many job losses and means they have less and less money to invest in up and coming artists . File sharing is seen as morally corrupt and many people say that p2p software’s such as limewire , Ares and Imesh which make file sharing all to easy for individuals should definitely be banned. Individuals have no sense of fear when downloading free songs as they do not acknowledge the severity of what they are doing and how it majorly affects a whole number of people. The copyright law which was passed on October 19th 1979 is implemented to make sure that file sharers come to justice and that artists , actors and directors alike get the money they were rightly entitled to and deserve. The punishment for copyright varies form community service , fines and can even go as far as prison!
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