Friday, 25 November 2011

I.C.T In the Workplace


I.C.T and developing technologies have had a huge impact on the world of work . Without all these advanced technologies many jobs would not exist and others would not be able to be done. The whole world of work is dependant on the Internet enormously and has made communication amongst colleagues much easier.

How has I.C.T changed the way we Work

These days people can work from home if they need to like if they have a physical illness or obesity. But it isn't a good way of communicating because people aren't going out and meeting new people.
Mobile phones have changed the way we work because people communicate by texting where as before they had to organise times and meetings in person.
How has the Employment structure and working practices changed ?

Working practices have changed a lot because they are much cleaner and safer and use a lot more technology related tools to do their job. Employment structure has changed.
Employment structure has changed a lot because there are a lot more different primary jobs because new elements have been discovered and that also effects secondary jobs because their making new things. Tertiary has also changed because there are new services that people need now that didn’t exist like someone who works in a mobile phone shop or repairs things like computer .

How a company maintains there sustainability!
For the business enterprise sustainable development means adopting business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the enterprise and stake holders today while protecting, sustaining and enhancing the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future.

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